

My New Boyfriend

Greyson Michael Chance ??

Siapa sih Greyson Michael Chance ?? Dia adalah anak muda berbakat yang berumur 13 tahun! He's American singer, songwriter, and pianist! Greyson lahir pada tanggal 16 Agustus 1997 di Wichita Falls, Texas. Sekarang dia tinggal di  Edmond, Oklahoma. Karirnya dimulai ketika dia sedang performed di acara sekolahnya, yaitu sixth-grade music festival pada bulan April 2010. Dia menyanyikan lagu 'Paparazzi' by Lady Gaga sambil bermain piano. Ternyata pada saat dia tampil, Ibu nya (kalo gak salah) merekamnya dan meng-upload video tsb ke Youtube. Hasilnya, video tsb memiliki viewer sebanyak 31.751.839 orang! WOW! Gak perlu heran deh kalo penontonnya sampe puluhan juta gitu, soalnya dia emang main piano nya and nyanyi nya T.O.P. B.G.T.!

Dari info2 yang gue dapet, ternyata Greyson has had three years of piano lessons, but no formal vocal training !! Gak nyangka sama skali!! Main pianonya aja udh kayak belajar piano 10 tahun!! Nyanyi nya aja udah kayak penyanyi prooooffessiioonnall deh!

He completed his 6th grade year at Cheyenne Middle School in Edmond, Oklahoma for the school year 2009-2010. He is the youngest child of Scott and Lisa Chance. He has a 16-year-old sister, Alexa, and a 19-year-old brother, Tanner, both of whom also play music. I think, Greyson born to be a shining star! :p

Greyson udah nyiptain 2 lagu yang berjudul "Broken Heart" and "Stars" loh! "Broken Hearts" berkisah tentang seseorang yang patah hati (ya iya lah udah ketawan dari judulnya!) Sedangkan "Stars" berkisah tentang a wife who dies of cancer but then she goes to heaven in the "Stars" Then the husband shortly after her. Sedih yah cerita dibalik lagu itu :'(

Greyson nge-fans banget sama Augustana and Lady Gaga. Dia bilang "Lady Gaga is a freak but she has so much talent and her style of music is what I would like mine to be when I'm older." Greyson juga bilang "Augustana is one of the most underated bands. I think ever to step the planet. They have so much talent it is not funny. They have such a good concept with folk and rock. It is very sad that they are so unknown."

On May 12, 2010 Greyson Chance taped an interview and performance of "Paparazzi" for Ellen in Los Angeles. It was broadcast on May 13.. During the interview, Chance received a phone call from Lady Gaga, who the youth says is his "true inspiration. This first appearance on Ellen was followed by a second appearance on the show, airing May 26, 2010, on which Chance performed his original song "Broken Hearts," received a $10,000.00 award for winning Ellen's Wonderful Web of Wonderment contest, and was announced as DeGeneres's first signed artist to her new recording label eleveneleven. WOW!

Sekarang, Greyson sedang sibuk dalam pembuatan album perdananya :) Wah cannot wait! Pemotretan untuk albumnya pun udah dimulai dari bulan kemarin. Greyson juga sempat masuk nominasi dalam category Choice Web Star di Teen Choice Awards. Sayangnya, dia tidak memenangkannya

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